
Pregnancy TO-DO list - Second Trimester


This trimester should be the easiest of all - you should be over your morning sickness, getting a pregnancy glow and feeling a lot better in general. Your bump may be getting in your way during everyday errands, but you are loving it! This is the time to think about your maternity leave, childcare, making lists, thinking about baby´s nursery ideas and spending time with your partner. All fun and exciting! I am at this stage now too :)

Second Trimester

1. Choose your birth partner.

Who do you want to be there for you during labour and birth of your baby - is it your partner, sister, mother, friend? Whoever you will choose, you both will have to go to classes about birth and taking care of a newborn (in my country one cannot be present at birth if he doesn´t finish a short course). Your will have to attend those classes at about 7 months pregnant.

2. Be aware of your weight gain.

It is perfectly normal to gain weight during pregnancy - but it is not a general rule. Some women even lose weight because of their morning sickness and throwing up and others may gain a crazy amount of weight. It is different from one pregnancy to another - if you doctor says that your baby is doing fine, then everything is fine. But still have in mind to keep a healthy, normal weight gain. You can download an app for this :)

3. Talk about baby names.

Here it is - the most exciting part of pregnancy - naming your future little person. What kind of names do you and your partner like? Will your baby carry the name well? If you both love the name, go fir it! I hate it when other people get involved with this special decision only two people should share - the parents. It is your baby, your choice. Think away.

4. Be healthy.

Drink plenty of water, eat right, sleep on your side (the best for the baby and you) and exercise - take long walks, find and exercise that will suit you. Be a healthy and happy momma. Also, doing excises during your pregnancy (including Kegels) makes your birth easier. That's what my doctor says. But do not over do it! Your bump will get in the way anyways :) 

5. Visit the dentist.

This is important for every pregnant women, because the high levels of pregnancy hormones circulating in your body can affect your gums. Take care of your teeth, especially since you have time to visit the dentist without having a newborn to take care off. You better fix your teeth now, when you still have the time.

6. Look for childcare options.

You may think you still have time, but those waiting lists can be so long, you better get it done now. 

7. Start thinking about decorating ideas for your nursery.

This one is super fun! how do you want your baby's room to feel like? I want calm and relaxed theme for my baby, with light neutral colours, white furniture, cozy nursery chair and cute decorations in a once upon a time theme - or woodland theme with cool wood furniture pieces or awesome space theme with I love you to the moon and back wall art. Oh, what do I want again? :D So many choices! Better find the best one for you and take time to choose.

8. Make a list of important dates.

When to file papers for maternity leave? When to arrange medical insurance for your baby? How and when to register the birth of your baby? When to apply the paperwork for financial aid? What are your rights and duties as a new parent? These questions are hard if you are a first time parent, so research them now and make a list of dates and important processes. Better be prepared than be late for something, right? In my country you have 60 days before and 60 days after birth to apply for financial help at baby's births. After that you can forget about that money. So be nerdy when it comes to this stuff :)

9. Ask your family and friends for unwanted baby clothes, furniture and gear. 

You probably have a few mommies around you and their kids have probably outgrown a lot of stuff (or will until your baby is born) so ask them for it. You can always give it back - especially if they lend you things like a bouncer, which your baby will outgrow in six months too. You will probably help someone with your used stuff after that too. Help each other.

10. Arrange a last-minute holiday for just your partner and you. 

Take the time to spend some quality time together, if not going on vacation, then go on dates. Spent some time together and enjoy your last few months alone. 

11. Celebrate your halfway.

You are halfway trough your pregnancy, yay! Take some time to celebrate your halfway and have a blast! You can go for a slice of cake with your significant other or do something you love. But make time for this happy occasion because it is a special time in your life. :) 

12. Think about your maternity leave.

If you are working, find out what you are entitled too, talk to your boss (at least 15 weeks before birth) and make a plan. 

Next week you are getting a FREEBIE Ultimate TO-DO List During Your Whole Pregnancy! I am making it cute and simple so that you won´t forget a thing. Enjoy your pregnancy and stay a healthy mommy to-be!


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